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Red Campion
  • Red Campion


    Silene dioica

    Hardy Perennial


    Sow directly in March & April

    Sow indoors from February - May September - November

    Flowers April - July


    Red Campion flowers are a  cheerful sight, common in wooded areas after bluebell flowers have faded.  It is a fantastic source of nectar for bees, butterflies and moths.  Red Campion thrives in part shade.


    Approximately 300 seeds per pack.

    • Growing Guide

      To sow undercover-  Sow in damp, free-draining compost and lightly cover with a dusting of grit or compost.   Plant out in late Spring and keep watered until established.

      To sow directly, prepare the soil by removing grasses and weeds.

      Sow thinly.

      Roll or firm seeds into the ground and water well.


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