Low Grow Wildflowers
When you want impact without the height, Low Grow Wildflowers (previously Window Wildflowers) are low growing wildflowers, ideal for window boxes and signage.
Sow in Spring or September.
Sweet Alyssum
Dwarf Morning Glory
California Poppy
Farewell to spring
Virginia Stocks
Mexican Marigold
China Aster
Pot Marigold
Baby Blue Eyes
Phlox Drummondii
Contains rehofix - your seeds are ready to sprinkle.
Growing Guide
Sowing directly
Prepare soil by removing any weeds to achieve a firm tilth. Window Wildflowers are adaptable to fertile soil.
Sow in Spring after the last frost, or in September.
Rake in your seeds.
Sowing into Containers
Prepare soil by adding grit to enhance drainage. Ensure the container has drainage holes.
Sow in Spring after the last frost, or in September, by sprinkling onto prepared containers.
Water your containers daily, particularly important when seeds are germinating.